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Hermann Konovalov
Hermann Konovalov

The Benefits and Challenges of Nosrat English Learning Method - A Review

Nosrat English Learning Download Free

Do you want to learn English quickly and easily? Do you want to improve your speaking and listening skills without spending a lot of money? If yes, then you might be interested in Nosrat English Learning method. In this article, we will tell you what is Nosrat English Learning, how it works, what are its advantages and challenges, how to download it for free and how to use it effectively. By the end of this article, you will have a clear idea of whether Nosrat English Learning is suitable for you and how you can start learning English with it today.

Nosrat English Learning Download Free

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What is Nosrat English Learning?

Nosrat English Learning is one of the most popular and well-known methods of learning English in Iran. It was developed by Mr. Hossein Nasr Esfahani, a famous Iranian linguist and educator who has more than 40 years of experience in teaching languages. He created this method based on his own research and observations of how people learn languages naturally.

Nosrat English Learning is a series of audio lessons that teach you how to speak and understand English through listening and repetition. The lessons cover various topics such as shopping, weather, bank, post office, phone, internet, health care, emergency situations and more. The lessons are designed for beginners and intermediate learners who want to improve their conversational skills in a short time.

The main goal of Nosrat English Learning is to help you learn English in the same way that you learned your mother tongue. That is, by listening to native speakers, imitating their pronunciation, learning words and sentences in context and using them in real situations. Nosrat English Learning claims that by following this method, you can learn English in 90 days or less.

How does Nosrat English Learning work?

Nosrat English Learning works on the following principles and techniques:

  • Repetition: Repetition is the key to learning anything, especially a language. Nosrat English Learning uses a systematic and timed repetition of words and sentences to help you memorize them and store them in your long-term memory. You will hear the same words and sentences several times in different lessons and at different intervals to reinforce your learning.

  • Listening: Listening is the most important skill for learning a language. Nosrat English Learning focuses on developing your listening comprehension by exposing you to authentic and natural English speech. You will listen to native speakers talking about various topics and situations, and you will learn how they pronounce words, use intonation, stress and rhythm, and express their ideas and emotions.

  • Speaking: Speaking is the ultimate goal of learning a language. Nosrat English Learning helps you improve your speaking ability by encouraging you to repeat what you hear and practice speaking aloud. You will imitate the native speakers' pronunciation, accent and tone, and you will learn how to form sentences, ask questions, give answers and have conversations.

  • Memory: Memory is the foundation of learning a language. Nosrat English Learning uses a special technique called "Leitner System" to enhance your memory and recall. This technique involves using flashcards or boxes to review words and sentences at specific intervals based on how well you remember them. This way, you will not forget what you have learned and you will be able to use it whenever you need it.

What are the advantages of Nosrat English Learning?

Nosrat English Learning has many advantages that make it an effective and enjoyable method of learning English. Some of these advantages are:

  • Fast learning: Nosrat English Learning claims that you can learn English in 90 days or less if you follow the method correctly. This is because the method teaches you only the most common and useful words and sentences that you need for everyday communication. You will not waste time on learning unnecessary grammar rules or vocabulary that you will never use.

  • Easy understanding: Nosrat English Learning makes it easy for you to understand what you hear and read by using simple and clear language. The lessons are organized in a logical and sequential way, starting from the basics and gradually progressing to more advanced topics. The lessons also explain the meaning and usage of words and sentences in Persian, so you will not have any difficulty in understanding them.

  • Natural pronunciation: Nosrat English Learning helps you develop a natural and correct pronunciation of English by exposing you to native speakers' speech. You will learn how to pronounce words as they are pronounced in real life, not as they are written. You will also learn how to use intonation, stress and rhythm to convey your message effectively.

  • Wide vocabulary and grammar: Nosrat English Learning teaches you a wide range of vocabulary and grammar that covers various topics and situations. You will learn words and sentences that are relevant to your needs and interests, such as travel, work, study, hobbies, etc. You will also learn how to use different tenses, moods, voices, modal verbs, prepositions, conjunctions, etc., to express yourself clearly and accurately.

What are the challenges of Nosrat English Learning?

Nosrat English Learning is not a perfect method of learning English. It also has some challenges or difficulties that you should be aware of before using it. Some of these challenges are:

  • Lack of interaction: Nosrat English Learning is a one-way method of learning English. You only listen to the audio lessons and repeat what you hear. You do not have any opportunity to interact with other learners or teachers who can give you feedback, correction or guidance. This can limit your progress and motivation.

  • Monotony: Nosrat English Learning can become boring or repetitive after a while. The lessons follow the same format and structure throughout the course. You only hear one voice (the narrator) talking about different topics. You do not have any variety or diversity in terms of content, style or format.

```html How to download Nosrat English Learning for free?

If you are interested in using Nosrat English Learning method, you might be wondering how to download it for free. There are several ways to do that, depending on your preference and convenience. Here are some of the most common ways to download Nosrat English Learning audio files for free:

Download from the official website

The easiest and most reliable way to download Nosrat English Learning audio files for free is to visit the official website of Nosrat Institute ( This is the website of the creator and publisher of Nosrat English Learning method, and it offers all the audio files for free download. You can also find other products and services related to Nosrat English Learning method on this website, such as books, flashcards, calendars, courses and more.

To download Nosrat English Learning audio files from the official website, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to and click on the "Download" tab at the top of the page.

  • Select the language that you want to learn from the list of available languages. For example, if you want to learn English, click on "English".

  • You will see a list of 90 lessons that correspond to the 90 days of Nosrat English Learning method. Each lesson has a title and a brief description of its content.

  • Click on the lesson that you want to download. You will be redirected to a new page where you can see more details about the lesson, such as its duration, size and format.

  • Click on the "Download" button at the bottom of the page. You will be asked to enter your name and email address before downloading. This is optional and you can skip it if you want.

  • The download will start automatically and you will see a progress bar showing the status of the download. Depending on your internet speed and connection, it may take a few minutes or more to complete the download.

  • Once the download is finished, you can find the audio file in your computer or device. You can play it with any media player that supports MP3 format.

Download from YouTube

Another way to download Nosrat English Learning audio files for free is to use YouTube. YouTube is a popular video-sharing platform that hosts millions of videos on various topics and categories. You can find many videos related to Nosrat English Learning method on YouTube, uploaded by different users and channels. Some of these videos are the original audio files of Nosrat English Learning method, while others are modified or edited versions.

To download Nosrat English Learning audio files from YouTube, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to and type "Nosrat English Learning" in the search box. You will see a list of videos that match your search query.

  • Choose the video that you want to download from the list. Make sure that it is the original audio file of Nosrat English Learning method and not a modified or edited version. You can check this by looking at the title, description and comments of the video.

  • Copy the URL (web address) of the video from the address bar of your browser.

  • Go to an online tool or software that allows you to download YouTube videos as MP3 files. There are many such tools and software available on the internet, such as,, and more. You can choose any one that suits your needs and preferences.

  • Paste the URL of the video that you copied in step 3 into the input box of the online tool or software that you chose in step 4.

  • Select MP3 as the output format and click on the "Convert" or "Download" button.

  • The online tool or software will convert the video into an MP3 file and provide you with a link to download it.

  • Click on the link and save the MP3 file in your computer or device.

Download from other websites

```html the internet, such as,, and more. You can search for these websites on Google or any other search engine and find the one that has the audio files that you want to download.

To download Nosrat English Learning audio files from other websites, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to the website that offers free downloads of audio files and type "Nosrat English Learning" in the search box. You will see a list of audio files that match your search query.

  • Choose the audio file that you want to download from the list. Make sure that it is the original audio file of Nosrat English Learning method and not a modified or edited version. You can check this by looking at the title, description and comments of the audio file.

  • Click on the "Download" or "Play" button next to the audio file. Depending on the website, you may be asked to enter some information or complete some tasks before downloading. This is optional and you can skip it if you want.

  • The download will start automatically and you will see a progress bar showing the status of the download. Depending on your internet speed and connection, it may take a few minutes or more to complete the download.

  • Once the download is finished, you can find the audio file in your computer or device. You can play it with any media player that supports MP3 format.

How to use Nosrat English Learning effectively?

Downloading Nosrat English Learning audio files for free is not enough to learn English successfully. You also need to use them effectively and follow some tips and advice to make the most of Nosrat English Learning method and improve your English skills. Here are some of the tips and advice that you should follow:

Follow a daily schedule

The best way to use Nosrat English Learning method is to follow a daily schedule and listen to one lesson per day. Each lesson is about 20 minutes long and covers one topic or situation. You should listen to each lesson at least three times: once in the morning, once in the afternoon and once in the evening. This will help you remember and practice what you have learned throughout the day.

You should also repeat what you hear and speak aloud along with the narrator. This will help you improve your pronunciation, accent and fluency. You should try to imitate the narrator's voice as closely as possible and copy his intonation, stress and rhythm. You should also pay attention to the meaning and usage of words and sentences and try to understand them in context.

Use supplementary materials

Nosrat English Learning method is mainly based on listening and speaking skills. However, you can also use supplementary materials such as books, flashcards, podcasts and videos to enhance your learning experience and develop other skills such as reading, writing and grammar. You can find many supplementary materials related to Nosrat English Learning method on the official website ( or on other websites that offer free or paid resources.

You should use supplementary materials that match your level and goals. For example, if you are a beginner, you can use books or flashcards that teach you basic words and sentences in English. If you are an intermediate learner, you can use podcasts or videos that expose you to more advanced topics and situations in English. You should also use supplementary materials that interest you and motivate you to learn more.

Practice with others

Nosrat English Learning method is a great way to learn English by yourself, but it is not enough to become fluent and confident in speaking English. You also need to practice with others who can give you feedback, correction and guidance. You can find a partner or a group to practice speaking and listening with using Nosrat English Learning method online or offline.

You can find a partner or a group online by using platforms such as,, and more. These platforms allow you to connect with other learners or native speakers who want to practice languages with you. You can also find a partner or a group offline by joining local clubs, classes or events that focus on learning languages or cultures. You can search for these opportunities on websites such as,, and more.

You should practice with your partner or group regularly and consistently. You should also choose topics or situations that are relevant to your needs and interests. You should use Nosrat English Learning method as a guide or a reference, but you should also try to use your own words and expressions. You should also ask questions, give answers, share opinions and have conversations with your partner or group.

Review regularly

The last tip to use Nosrat English Learning method effectively is to review regularly and refresh your memory. You should not forget what you have learned and you should be able to use it whenever you need it. You should review previous lessons periodically and recall the words and sentences that you have learned.

You can review previous lessons by listening to them again or by using flashcards or boxes that contain the words and sentences that you have learned. You can also review previous lessons by using them in real situations or by testing yourself with quizzes or exercises. You should review previous lessons at least once a week or more often if possible.


Nosrat English Learning is a popular and effective method of learning English in Iran. It is based on listening and speaking skills and it teaches you how to speak and understand English through listening and repetition. It has many advantages such as fast learning, easy understanding, natural pronunciation, wide vocabulary and grammar. It also has some challenges such as lack of interaction, monotony, outdated content and limited topics.

You can download Nosrat English Learning audio files for free from various sources such as the official website, YouTube or other websites. You can also use supplementary materials such as books, flashcards, podcasts and videos to enhance your learning experience. You can also practice with others online or offline to improve your fluency and confidence. You can also review regularly to refresh your memory and recall what you have learned.

If you want to learn English quickly and easily, you should try Nosrat English Learning method. It is a proven and reliable method that has helped millions of people in Iran and around the world. You can start learning English with Nosrat English Learning method today and see the results for yourself.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions and answers about Nosrat English Learning method:

  • Q: Who is the creator of Nosrat English Learning method?

  • A: The creator of Nosrat English Learning method is Mr. Hossein Nasr Esfahani, a famous Iranian linguist and educator who has more than 40 years of experience in teaching languages.

  • Q: How long does it take to learn English with Nosrat English Learning method?

  • A: Nosrat English Learning method claims that you can learn English in 90 days or less if you follow the method correctly. However, this may vary depending on your level, goals, motivation and practice.

  • Q: What are the languages that Nosrat English Learning method teaches?

  • A: Nosrat English Learning method teaches several languages besides English, such as French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Turkish, Arabic and Persian.

  • Q: How much does it cost to use Nosrat English Learning method?

  • A: You can download Nosrat English Learning audio files for free from various sources. However, if you want to buy other products or services related to Nosrat English Learning method, such as books, flashcards, calendars, courses and more, you need to pay a certain amount of money depending on the product or service.

  • Q: Where can I find more information about Nosrat English Learning method?

  • A: You can find more information about Nosrat English Learning method on the official website ( or on other websites that offer reviews, testimonials or resources about Nosrat English Learning method.


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