Oh So Pretty: Punk In Print 1976-1980 Book Pdf
Maintaining an appreciation for the era, Mott kept hold of precious punk paraphernalia and began a career later in life as a punk historian, hence the book. Delving into iconic imagery, album covers and fashion trends, the book gets elbows deep in the rich history of such a short period and gives the reader the chance to get to grips with the significance of specific articles and extracts.
Oh So Pretty: Punk In Print 1976-1980 Book Pdf
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As a book of few words, the images become the most accurate exploration of punk as a music phenomenon and propagation of DIY come mutinous culture. This first person account surpasses the expendability of its visual items and instead presents a timeless exhibition of the prodigy that was the punk era.
A publication exploring one of the most controversial and radical subcultures. with printed material curated by Mott, the book examines this multi-faceted culture through the filter of printed material, zines, posters and films. The book is divided into sub-sections looking at the original iteration of skinhead, the fascist interpretation, the socialist counterpoint, queer skinhead culture, exploitation literature, skin girls, and everything in between. ISBN 978-0-9567952-7-4[31][32]
Toby Mott is an artist, designer, collector, and punk historian. He lives in London. Rick Poynor is a writer, critic, curator, and lecturer. He is the author of more than a dozen books, and was the founding member of Eye magazine in London, which he edited from 1990-97. 076b4e4f54